Mission Statement

The St. Mary C.Y.O. basketball program mission is to teach our youth the values of hard work, sportsmanship, teamwork, but most importantly making sure they have fun while learning the game of basketball. Each coach is given the goal of developing the basic skills and knowledge of their players to ensure that they are a better at the end of the season then they were in the beginning. This is not just a sports program, this is family. WE ARE!


For a child to be eligible to participate in the program they must meet one of the following requirements:

The child must be an active participant of the St. Mary Religious Formation program. The league requires signature confirmation from the St. Mary Religious Formation Director for each child registered in the program.

If your child is currently enrolled in Religious Formation/CCD at another Catholic Parish and you wish for them to play CYO basketball at St. Mary, a waiver may be submitted to the Archdiocese for review and potential approval. Please email us for more information.